
Would like to wish everyone a very..
Merry Christmas & Happy New year :D


Fav christmas gift (:

Night followed Mum to a dinner.

Palace of India.


Monday, Steamboat night.
After thru out the whole day. :D
Met up the rest at the restaurant during night.


Akira ; Brandon

Daniel ; Chee Ho

Jo ; Sui Wen

We 3 :D

Was trying not to laugh for some reasons.
Failed. Lol

Tiong ; Velten ; Dan ; Vin ; Akira


Imitating us. Ish

He hates flashes. :p

Dan's SK II. Hahaha.

The complete guys excluded girls.

Too bad we didn't managed to snap a group pict.
Cause some went off earlier. Wasted.
Went Coffee Bean later on & everyone went off bout eleven.
Such a great night anyway.


Queens. Met up Cher, Brandon & Terrence
Lovely day with them.

J.CO Donuts

Terrence ; Brandon

Lol. Tsk tsk

Saw the batman display thingy. Camwhore there xD

We're like too bored. So Cher & I went off to nail hansen :D
Girls' fav right? Later on, off we went.

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