Smart Night 09

Well, morning after the cycling event thingy.
Had dinner at E&O Hotel, Grand Ballroom. Reached @ 6.
I actually bumped into a few friends there, was surprised. Great night anyw :D

Smart Night 09.

First performance.

Opening ceremony.

Form 1 MC. They're cute.

Ms Gladys's students, performing "I have a dream".

Sui Wen :D

Together with Ning.

Ning ; Jo Min

Dan ; Wzhuo.

Yon Kwang :DD

Ms Gladys. Best Cambridge teacher (:

Velten. Venessa Diamond's MC.

Grace Choong. Main model.

Models for the Venessa Diamond.

Lucky Draw. Wzuo was too lucky to be the last winner. :D

Form 4 MC.


Yk. "You're Beautiful" for the night.

Form 5 MC.

Drama section. Best of all. :D

I can't believe Chee Hong would wear like that. *in red*

His so funny (:

End of the night (:

Ride with CM

Esplanade, Ride with CM.
Girl Guides were having their duty there s well. (:

Went together v Jo. Darn we're there @ 6 in the morning. Lols.
We're divided to our duties & cyclist were all gathered around 6 something.
There are 3 different races anyway (:

The Round Island Ride.

Well, we saw something really cute! *point down*

He made that bicycle by himself. His really friendly :D


Fe & Fen ♥

Jooooo.. ♥

Shanie & Sing Yeh. (:

Feonnn ♥

Lol? :p

We always stick together. Lots love.


Anyway, we bumped into Kelly.
She brought her puppy along. How sweet. *teehees.


Lunch time.

Some Japanese came pop out of of sudden & took picts with us.
Was fun anyway :D

I'll end this post with our photo.

P/s: Looking forward for tonight. Smart Night 09 ♥

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